If we handle Holy Things with Holiness then we would be Holy...
What an astonishingly simple way to attain holiness.
Why do we adore the Blessed Sacrament? That is a question that I have wrestled with for quite some time of late. Do not get me wrong it is not that I do not believe in the Living Presence of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. I do and am a strong and vocal supporter of the Eucharistic Lord. My doubts are why is it that at some times I am not able to believe in the Living Presence. Why are there so few times when I have sat with the Lord and not realised how time flew? Why is it that the moment I am sitting in front of the Lord I start to think of other important things in office or at home or sometimes even have sinful thoughts.
As usual I do try to read up a lot on my doubts especially from the lives of saints and what they they have written on the Holy Eucharistic Adoration. One example is of someone I highly admire
Archbishop Fulton J Sheen promised the blessed Lord that he would spend at least 1 hour before the Eucharistic Lord before starting his day. He states in his autobiography that he has been faithful to this promise for the rest of his living life. The result a catholic apologetic beyond compare, probably the first catholic radio and tele-evangelist, a person whose books are changing as many lives after his death as when he was alive.
There is also an anecdote in the life of a saint who was challenged on the Eucharistic Lord by a wealthy man and the argument ended by the saint telling that even animals would adore the blessed sacrament. Upon hearing this the wealthy man told him to get his donkey to respect the Eucharistic Lord. The saint asked for 3 days. For 3 days the wealthy man did not give the donkey anything to eat. On the 3rd day upon being shown the blessed Sacrament, the donkey bowed down in worship and stayed there even when offered green grass to eat.
Well if animals can know their creator why do we fail to see our Lord and Saviour's presence in the Consecrated Bread? I encourage all of you to make it a point to spend atleast a few hours in front of teh Eucharistic Lord. Believe me this would change you. It has had a similar effect on me.
God Bless you all
Monday, July 21, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
John 3:16
For this is how God loved the world; HE gave HIS only SON, so that everyone who believes in HIM may not perish but may have eternal life
What an awesome love our Lord has! Can you visualise it - a closed door round table meeting of the Triune God. God the Father decides that the time has now come for HIS promises and messages through the Prophets to come true. The Son needs to go down and teach human beings how to live a life following the Will of God. God choosing to show us the way to HIM by making himself the signpost and the one who shows the direction.
And what an easy way it really is. Believe in the One that leads the way; Follow the One who shows the way.
After all who would be able to let us know the easiest way out but the one who has drew the map; Who better to give the answers than the One who is the source of all knowledge.
The Call of a Christian or for that matter every human being is really very simple, to believe in the ONE WHO WAS SENT. Let me just put it that the bite of good and evil tree gave us bit of a crooked mind and we have being following our ancestors ever since. The path we chooses to take is more away from God and less towards God. Those who have truly understood the meaning of these verses and have followed it to the T have found that 'His Yoke is Easy' and 'His Burden is Light'.
God Bless You
What an awesome love our Lord has! Can you visualise it - a closed door round table meeting of the Triune God. God the Father decides that the time has now come for HIS promises and messages through the Prophets to come true. The Son needs to go down and teach human beings how to live a life following the Will of God. God choosing to show us the way to HIM by making himself the signpost and the one who shows the direction.
And what an easy way it really is. Believe in the One that leads the way; Follow the One who shows the way.
After all who would be able to let us know the easiest way out but the one who has drew the map; Who better to give the answers than the One who is the source of all knowledge.
The Call of a Christian or for that matter every human being is really very simple, to believe in the ONE WHO WAS SENT. Let me just put it that the bite of good and evil tree gave us bit of a crooked mind and we have being following our ancestors ever since. The path we chooses to take is more away from God and less towards God. Those who have truly understood the meaning of these verses and have followed it to the T have found that 'His Yoke is Easy' and 'His Burden is Light'.
God Bless You
"Word of God",
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