Friday, June 26, 2009

Acts of the Apostles

Was part of this beautiful gig done by a group of talented musicians. They launched a Worship Band by the name of the 'Acts of the Apostles'. It was a beautiful experience where this group of young people led a 600 odd strong young and not so young human beings to praise and thank God for His graciousness. the High point came during worship when the leader invited those present there to offer their lives to Jesus. All of us present there raised our hands to surrender ourselves and our lives to Him who saved us and redeemed us.

Thank you 'Acts of the Apostles' for such a wonderful time of praise and Worship. Your efforts and sacrifices would definitely be blessed by the Lord. For pics of the the program you can visit and join this community of young believers.

Will keep you posted on theor whereabouts.

1 comment:

Kê!τh™ said...

Hi Ashish, thanks for stopping by my blog. Amy is going to be 2. She was tiny(tinier) in that video. My Email is Please keep in touch.